Biblical Projects for Africa

Bible in Bambara (Mali)

Bibles for young people and for vulnerable families in Kenya

During his first working visit to Washington, DC after the pause caused by the pandemic, the General Secretary of the Catholic Biblical Federation, Fr. Jan J. Stefanów SVD paid a working visit to the National Collections Offices of the USCCB to meet with Mr. Edward Kiely, Director of Church in Africa Program. 

The meeting was an opportunity to evaluate common projects already carried out and to concretise some aspects related to the projects of the member institutions of the Catholic Biblical Federation in Africa and Madagascar.

Among the projects carried out, Mr. Kiely and Fr. Stefanów highlighted the new edition of the Bible in the Bambara language of Mali, produced under the auspices of the CBF by the Episcopal Conference of Mali, financed by the USCCB and published by Verbum Bible in Kinshasa, DRC.



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