Prayer nook

August 2021

In preparation for the Plenary Assembly of the Catholic Biblical Federation in April 2022, we invite all members and friends of our Federation to pray for God’s blessing, the Holy Spirit’s guidance, and the intercession of Mary, the Mother of the Word, for all its regions and their activities. 

The intention for this month you can find here:

Presentation of the Region

South East Asia is among the most active and best organized regions in the Catholic Biblical Federation. Nonetheless, it still faces some challenges and difficulties. In most of the countries which comprise this region, Christians are a minority, frequently treated with suspicion or even hostility. Some of their communism-influenced governments restrict religious freedom. At the same time, South East Asia enriches the Federation by its significant experience in the area of interreligious dialogue. The Catholic Church in the Philippines with its well established and regular activities – Bible weeks, Bible Month, summer camps for the youth, and activities of numerous biblical centers run by lay people – plays a leading role in pastoral biblical ministry in the region. Its another significant aspect is a fruitful cooperation of CBF members with the United Bible Societies.

News from this Region

Extended meeting of the Regional Committee of the South-East Asia Sub-Region of the Catholic Biblical Federation
05 Sep 2022

The extended meeting of the South East Asia Sub-Regional Committee of the Catholic Biblical Federation took place online on 5 September 2022.

Biblical Coordination Meeting in Thailand
02 Mar 2022

Online Meeting of the Board Meeting of Directors in Thailand which includes their Bible Apostolate took place via Zoon on March 2, 2022. 

Celebration of Sunday of the Word God and National Bible Month in the Philippine Zone
23 Jan 2022

The Bible Animators in the Philippines came together via Zoom Platform last January 23 to celebrate the Sunday of the Word of God. His Excellency Most Rev. Renato Mayugba, Chairman of the Episcopal Commission on the Biblical Apostolate (ECBA) presided the Holy Mass together with some Biblical Apostolate Directors and Bible Animators nationwide. 

Liturgy of The Hours Group (Vietnam)

After the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965) allowed local churches to celebrate liturgical services in their own languages, some Vietnamese priests and religious were eager to translate the Bible into Vietnamese versions that are suitable for their traditional culture.

Six priests voluntarily started to render the Latin Liturgy of the Hours into Vietnamese in late 1971. They later formed the Liturgy of the Hours Group that drew more priests and sisters who are expert in the Bible, theology, liturgy, pastoral ministry, sacred music, literature and poetry.

National Biblical Pastoral Ministry (Myanmar)

"We have conducted 16 Bible Seminars in the Year July 2019-June 2020 (14 Bible Seminars in June - December 2019 and 2 Bible seminars only in February 2020). After then, the global coronavirus pandemic is affecting our program. That is why we are temporarily suspending our program until the end of August.  This month (July) only we can reopen our office. During these days, we translated a book, namely "Bible for you and me" from English to Burmese. We post a daily reflection on line. Please check the attachmed video with the activities of BPM. May God bless us in our common service to his life-giving word".

Fr. George Shwe Htun
National coordinator for BPM (Myanmar)

Boy Peter KANN - Cambodia

Catholic Biblical Commission of Thailand

Bp Francis Xavier Vira Arpondratana - Thailand

Biblical Division of Chanthaburi Diocese - Thailand

Anna Aroonprapha SUKKASEE - Thailand

Angela Merici Biblical Center (Indonesia)

Sr. Leysis Navarro, hmsp - Philippines

Star del Mar - Philippines

Monthly Readings Calendar

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Lectio divina material

Previous intentions

This month

July 2021

North-East Asia

June 2021

South Asia

May 2021

Middle East

April 2021


March 2021

Central Europe

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